Grief Counseling
Creating a safe and supportive space for healthcare professionals and their families to process grief.
Offering expert guidance and therapeutic interventions.
Providing community support to help healthcare workers navigate the complex emotions and healing journey associated with loss.
Mental Health Support
Offering affordable, accessible, and specialized counseling, therapy, and resources tailored to the unique needs of healthcare workers.
Hardship Assistance
Financial assistance for utilities, rent, or unforeseen death of an immediate family member.
Bereavement Benevolent Fund: Support for families of healthcare professionals who have experienced the death of an immediate family member.
Special programs for low-income healthcare workers.
Spiritual Wellness Support
Prayer: One-on-one or group sessions.
Bible Study: Regular gatherings.
Annual Prayer Breakfast: A dedicated event for spiritual rejuvenation.

Food Assistance
Grocery and meal deliveries for those in need.
Turkey n Fixin’s Baskets: Provided at Thanksgiving.
Holiday Blessings Event: End-of-year grocery gift cards distribution.
Custom Care Packages
Preparation and delivery of custom items like snack packs tailored to the needs of healthcare workers.